Task 3 FMP Pitch

Pitch Presentation slides

Media Format (film, documentary, motion graphics, photography, animation, graphic design etc)

Graphic Design, 3D Environment (Level), First Person
Synopsis of Idea (content, narrative, genre)

The basic idea of my 3D environment (Level) is for a First Person survival horror game; your character is a ship wreck survivor on an island and must survivor on an island. The Island will be surrounded by water; you’ll start on a beach and will have to traverse a forest that contains a few ruins and small houses/cabins.
Target Audience? (demographic NOT age range)
My project is centered on young adults to mature adults. It is also aimed towards both male and female players. My project may include mature content as it is a survival horror style, so it would include some kind of violence.

How will your project meet the needs of your target audience?

My project would meet my audience’s needs as it would contain some kind of mature content aimed towards the mature player which may include violence, blood etc.

What production techniques will you use to realise your project?

During the first phase I will create sketches and ideas for my 3D environment, using a series of different sources for inspiration.
The next phase will include me planning my final decision for the project. I will then finally use a programme to create my 3D Environment/Level for example I may use Unity etc.